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Course Info

  • 6 Months
  • Live Zoom Classes
  • Recorded Video and Hard Copy of Books Available
  • For More Details send whatsapp message

Online Nutri Trainer Course

FGIIT Is Here With The Perfect Blend Of All The Major...Read more
  • 6 Months
  • Live Zoom Classes
  • Recorded Video and Hard Copy of Books Available
  • For More Details send whatsapp message

₹ 40120/- GST included

Payment Option

Course Details

Module 1: Understanding the Human body

Students will explore the fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology, focusing on how the body's systems and muscles respond to exercise.This foundation enables them to design effective, personalized training regimens based on scientific understanding of movement and function.

  • Human Anatomy
  • Human Physiology
  • Human Kinesiology
  • Energy Metabolism
  • Introduction To Living Beings: Physiology
  • Anatomy Of Our Human Body

Fitness Industry
Fitness Industry

Module 1: Understanding the Human body

Students will explore the fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology, focusing on how the body's...

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Fitness Industry

Module 2: Basics of Nutrition and the Fitness Industry

This module delves into the principles of nutrition and weight management, emphasizing dietary planning and metabolism. It highlights the synergy between diet and exercise, equipping students to craft sustainable, goal-oriented diet plans for clients, fostering long-term health and fitness.

  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Lipids
  • Water
  • Energy metabolism
  • Minerals
  • Overview of the fitness industry

Fitness Industry

Module 2: Basics of Nutrition and the Fitness Industry

This module delves into the principles of nutrition and weight management, emphasizing dietary planning...

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Module 3: Meal Planning and Food Groups

Combining nutrition and fitness, this module emphasizes injury prevention and management through tailored meal plans and strength-training principles. It prepares students to enhance performance while minimizing injury risks through informed dietary and fitness strategies.

  • Meal Planning and Food Groups
  • Fundamentals Of Meal Planning
  • Food Groups
  • Food Exchange List
  • Methods Of Improving Nutritional Quality Of Foods

Fitness Industry
Fitness Industry

Module 3: Meal Planning and Food Groups

Combining nutrition and fitness, this module emphasizes injury prevention and management through...

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Fitness Industry

Module 4: Strength Training and Fitness Components

Combining nutrition and fitness, this module emphasizes injury prevention and management through tailored meal plans and strength-training principles. It prepares students to enhance performance while minimizing injury risks through informed dietary and fitness strategies.

  • Strength Training and Fitness Components
  • Strength training exercises for
    • Legs
    • Back
    • Chest
    • Biceps
    • Triceps
    • Abs
    • Shoulders

Fitness Industry

Module 4: Strength Training and Fitness Components

Combining nutrition and fitness, this module emphasizes injury prevention and management through...

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Module 5: Exercise Science Theory & Principles

Focusing on ethical and physiological aspects, this module examines the impact of anabolic androgenic steroids and alternative training practices. Students learn to guide clients responsibly while tailoring programs across different life stages.

  • Exercise Science and Programming
  • Types of grips
  • Scheduling of exercises
  • Principles of exercises
  • Periodization and programming
  • Creating a workout routine
  • Components of fitness
  • Sports specific training
  • Theory of planning

Fitness Industry
Fitness Industry

Module 5: Exercise Science Theory & Principles

Focusing on ethical and physiological aspects, this module examines the impact of anabolic androgenic...

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Fitness Industry

Module 6: Therapeutic Nutrition

This module introduces the role of therapeutic nutrition in recovery, alongside injury prevention and rehabilitation techniques. Students gain expertise in safe recovery protocols and exercises that reduce the risk of future injuries.

  • Therapeutic Adaptations Of Normal Diet
  • Fluid Diet
  • Total Parenteral Nutrient
  • Tube Feeding
  • Gastro Intestinal Disorders
  • Hernia, Diarrhoea, Conspaon, Pepc Ulcer, Ulcerve Colis, Crohns Diseases, Dumping Syndrome, Dysphagia
  • Metabolic Disorders
  • Diabetes, Gout, Hypothyroidism, Hperthyroidism, Menopause, PCOS, PMS
  • CardiovaScular Disorders
  • Hypertension, Atherosclerosis, Myocardial infacon
  • Liver Disorders
  • Jaundice, Hepatitis, Diseases of gallbladder
  • Feblife Disorders
  • Typhoids, Tuberculosis
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis

Fitness Industry

Module 6: Therapeutic Nutrition

This module introduces the role of therapeutic nutrition in recovery, alongside injury prevention and...

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Module 7: Injury Rehabilitation and Prevention

This module introduces the role of therapeutic nutrition in recovery, alongside injury prevention and rehabilitation techniques. Students gain expertise in safe recovery protocols and exercises that reduce the risk of future injuries.

  • Introduction to Injury Rehabilitation
  • Assessment and Diagnosis
  • Cupping Therapy
  • Principles of Exercise Prescription
  • Therapeutic Modalities
  • Manual Therapy Techniques
  • Pain Management in Injury Specific Rehabilitation
  • Special Populations in Rehabilitation
  • CPR, Dry Needling, IASTM, Rigid Taping, Mobility, Electro Therapy, Exercise Therapy

Fitness Industry
Fitness Industry

Module 7: Injury Rehabilitation and Prevention

This module introduces the role of therapeutic nutrition in recovery, alongside injury prevention and...

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Fitness Industry

Module 8: Weight Management Nutrition

This module addresses advanced nutritional strategies and the implications of steroid use in fitness. Students learn to evaluate risks and benefits while guiding clients toward healthier, sustainable performance enhancement methods.

  • Diet For Healthy Skin, Hair & Nails
  • Nutrition For Night Shift Workers
  • Food Allergies & Food Intolerance
  • Weight Management & Obesity

Fitness Industry

Module 8: Weight Management Nutrition

This module addresses advanced nutritional strategies and the implications of steroid use in fitness....

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Module 9: Nutrition During Lifespan

Nutrition is a critical part of health and development. Better nutrition is related to improved infant, child and maternal health, stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, lower risk of non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and longevity. Healthy children learn better.

  • Nutrition During Infancy
  • Nutrition During Lactation
  • Nutrition During Pregnancy
  • Nutrition During Childhood
  • Nutrition During Adulthood
  • Nutrition During Older Adults

Fitness Industry
Fitness Industry

Module 9: Nutrition During Lifespan

Nutrition is a critical part of health and development. Better nutrition is related to improved infant,...

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Fitness Industry

Module 10: Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

This module addresses advanced nutritional strategies and the implications of steroid use in fitness. Students learn to evaluate risks and benefits while guiding clients toward healthier, sustainable performance enhancement methods.

  • Anabolics, Androgenic, Peptides, SARMs Compounds
  • Peak weak- Cutting/Bulking
  • Managing Gyno
  • Pct (Post Cycle Therapy)
  • Blood test
  • Diuretic
  • Bikini
  • How to study reports
  • How physiology works
  • Cycle Designing
  • Bodybuilding
  • Men physique
  • Powerlifting
  • Women cycle

Fitness Industry

Module 10: Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

This module addresses advanced nutritional strategies and the implications of steroid use in fitness....

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Module 11: Powerlifting Masterclass

Covering the essentials of disease management and powerlifting, this module focuses on therapeutic diets and techniques for key strength-building exercises. Students are trained to support clients in achieving both wellness and performance goals.

  • Biomechanics and Technique
  • Strength Training Principles
  • Programming and Training Plans
  • Equipment and Gear
  • Rules and Regulations
  • Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
  • Coaching and Communication
  • Practical Training
  • Legal Aspects of Coaching
  • Powerlifting Plan

Fitness Industry
Fitness Industry

Module 11 Powerlifting Masterclass

Covering the essentials of disease management and powerlifting, this module focuses on therapeutic diets...

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Fitness Industry

Module 12: Counselling Techniques

Students learn to lead dynamic group fitness sessions and incorporate sports nutrition principles to optimize performance. Emphasis is placed on creating inclusive, motivational environments to foster client engagement.

  • Counselling Skills
  • Foundations of Group Fitness
  • Group Fitness Class Design and Teaching

Fitness Industry

Module 12: Counselling Techniques

Students learn to lead dynamic group fitness sessions and incorporate sports nutrition principles to...

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Module 13: Group Instructor Masterclass

Students learn to lead dynamic group fitness sessions and incorporate sports nutrition principles to optimize performance. Emphasis is placed on creating inclusive, motivational environments to foster client engagement.

  • TRX Band Training
  • Functional Training
  • Tabata Training
  • Group Fitness Class Design and Teaching

Fitness Industry
Fitness Industry

Module 13: Group Instructor Masterclass

Students learn to lead dynamic group fitness sessions and incorporate sports nutrition principles to...

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Fitness Industry

Module 14: Sports Nutrition

Students learn to lead dynamic group fitness sessions and incorporate sports nutrition principles to optimize performance. Emphasis is placed on creating inclusive, motivational environments to foster client engagement.

  • Introduction to Sports Nutrition
  • Macronutrients for Sports Performance
  • Micronutrients for Sports Performance
  • Sports Supplements
  • Nutrition for Specific Sports and Populations
  • Meal Planning and Periodization
  • Sports Nutrition Case Studies and Practical Applications

Fitness Industry

Module 14: Sports Nutrition

Students learn to lead dynamic group fitness sessions and incorporate sports nutrition principles to...

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Module 15: Practical Application & Client Management, Behaviour Change

In this hands-on module, students master behavior change techniques and client management strategies. By applying theoretical knowledge in practical settings, they develop skills to motivate and guide clients effectively.

  • Theory of behaviour changes
  • Client responsibilities
  • Creating a positive and supportive training environment
  • Communication strategies for trainers and clients
  • Goal setting and motivation techniques

Fitness Industry
Fitness Industry

Module 14: Practical Application & Client Management, Behavior Change

In this hands-on module, students master behavior change techniques and client management strategies. By...

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Fitness Industry

Module 16: How to Design Diet Plan

Focusing on tailored nutrition, this module equips students to create diet plans that align with individual goals.It emphasizes injury prevention through nutritional support, enabling clients to maintain long - term health and performance.

  • How to make diet plan of All disesases
  • Weight Management Diet Plan
  • Sports Nutrition Diet Plan
  • Case Studies of Diet plan

Fitness Industry

Module 16: How to Design Diet Plan

Focusing on tailored nutrition, this module equips students to create diet plans that align with...

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Course include

Zoom session

Book & Recorded session

Team Chat Support

MCQs Based Exam

Case Study Based Project



  • Approved by Government
  • Internationally Accredited Certification
  • Industry Expert Faculties with 5+ years in Business
  • 100% Placement Support
  • Mandatory Internship at Top Firms
  • Bilingual Learning Material: English and Hindi
  • Recorded Video Lectures Available
  • Lifetime Support for Students
  • Globally Recognized Certifications
  • Comprehensive Curriculum Covering Latest Trends
  • Interactive Live Sessions with Trainers and Peers
  • Regular Assessments & Feedback
  • Access to Exclusive Study Groups
  • Updated Study Material and Case Studies
  • Affordable Fees with EMI Options
  • Collaborations with Top Fitness Brands
  • Personalized Student Support Team
  • Continuous Professional Development Opportunities

Demo Certificates

Meet your Instructors

The course in our Student Words

Placement Review


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Diploma in Nutri Trainer Course by FGIIT?

The Diploma in Nutri Trainer Course by FGIIT is a comprehensive 6-month program designed to certify individuals as personal trainers. It includes offline and live Zoom classes, recorded video lectures, e-books, and practical projects to equip students with the necessary skills. Graduates receive a government-approved and internationally accredited certification.

What are the benefits of enrolling in this course at FGIIT? Students benefit from:

Government-approved and internationally accredited certification Expert faculties with over 5 years of industry experience 100% placement support and a mandatory internship at top firms Bilingual learning materials (English and Hindi) Lifetime support, including access to demo lectures and chat support

What are the benefits of enrolling in this course at FGIIT?

Students benefit from government-approved and internationally accredited certification, expert faculties with over 5 years of industry experience, 100% placement support, mandatory internship, bilingual learning materials, and lifetime support.

Is there an internship included in the Diploma in Nutri Trainer Course?

Yes, a mandatory internship at top firms is a key component, giving students hands-on experience in real-world settings to prepare them for successful careers.

How is the course delivered?

The course combines offline classroom sessions, live Zoom classes, and recorded video lectures. E-books and other study materials are provided for additional support.

What kind of support do students receive during the course?

FGIIT offers team chat support, access to recorded sessions, and lifetime student support, ensuring learners receive guidance even after completing the course.

Are there any exams or assessments in the course?

Yes, the course includes MCQ-based exams and a case study-based project to assess understanding and practical application of personal training concepts.

What certification do I receive after completing the course?

Graduates receive a government-approved and internationally accredited certification, recognized across the fitness industry.

Does FGIIT offer job placement support?

Yes, FGIIT provides 100% placement support, assisting students in securing employment with top firms in the fitness industry.

Is this course available in both English and Hindi?

Yes, FGIIT offers bilingual learning materials in both English and Hindi to ensure accessibility for a broader audience.

Can I access the course materials after completing the course?

Yes, students have lifetime access to recorded video lectures and lifetime support for their ongoing personal training careers.

How is FGIIT's course different from other academies?

FGIIT's course includes unique topics such as group instructor training, anabolics and androgenic steroids, powerlifting, and injury rehabilitation. This makes FGIIT the most knowledgeable and value-for-money course in the industry.

Do I have to pay the full fees at once?

No, while you can pay in full, FGIIT also offers scholarships to deserving students and EMI options for fee payments.

How can I enroll in the course?

To enroll, simply send a WhatsApp message to the provided contact number (+91-8866842520) or visit the FGIIT website for more information on the application process.

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